Source & Target Endpoints


Create DMS Source and Target Endpoints

Now that you have a replication instance, you need to create source and target endpoints for the sample database.

  1. Click on the Endpoints link on the left, and then click on Create endpoint on the top right corner. Endpoints

  2. Enter the following information to create an endpoint for the source dms_sample database:

    Parameter Value
    Endpoint Type Source endpoint
    Select RDS DB instance Check
    RDS Instance < StackName >-SourceOracleDB
    Endpoint Identifier oracle-source
    Source Engine oracle
    Access to endpoint database Provide access information manually
    Server Name < SourceOracleEndpoint >
    Port 1521
    SSL Mode none
    User Name dbmaster
    Password dbmaster123
    SID/Service Name ORACLEDB
    Test endpoint connection -> VPC < VPC ID from Environment Setup Step >
    Replication Instance oracle-replication


  1. Once the information has been entered, click Run Test. When the status turns to successful, click Create endpoint.
  2. Follow the same steps to create another endpoint for the Target Aurora RDS Database using the following values:
    Parameter Value
    Endpoint Type Target endpoint
    Select RDS DB instance < StackName >-AuroraPostgreSQLInstance
    Endpoint Identifier aurora-target
    Target Engine aurora-postgresql
    Access to endpoint database Provide access information manually
    Server Name < TargetAuroraPostgreSQLEndpoint >
    Port 5432
    SSL Mode none
    User Name dbmaster
    Password dbmaster123
    Database Name AuroraDB
    Test endpoint connection -> VPC < VPC ID from Environment Setup Step >
    Replication Instance oracle-replication


  1. Once the information has been entered, click Run Test. When the status turns to successful, click Create endpoint.
