Config the Environment


Config the Environment

In this step, you will use a CloudFormation (CFN) template to deploy the infrastructure for this database migration. AWS CloudFormation simplifies provisioning the infrastructure, so we can concentrate on tasks related to data migration.

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console, and click on Create Stack in the left-hand corner.


  1. Select Template is ready, and choose Upload a template file as the source template. Then, click on Choose file and upload the DMSWorkshop.yaml. Click Next.


  1. Populate the form as with the values specified below, and then click Next.
Input Parameter Values
Stack Name A unique identifier without spaces.
MigrationType Database that you want to migrate (Oracle or SQL Server).
KeyName The KeyPair (DMSKeypair) that you created in the previous step.
EC2ServerInstanceType An Amazon EC2 Instance type from the drop-down menu. Recommend using the default value.
RDSInstanceType An Amazon RDS Instance type from the drop-down menu. Recommend using the default value.
VpcCIDR The VPC CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/16. Defaults to
Subnet1CIDR The Subnet CIDR range for subnet 1 in the form x.x.x.x/24. Defaults to
Subnet2CIDR The Subnet CIDR range for subnet 2 in the form x.x.x.x/24. Defaults to
Subnet3CIDR The Subnet CIDR range for subnet 3 in the form x.x.x.x/24. Defaults to

The resources that are created here will be prefixed with whatever value you specify in the Stack Name. Please specify a value that is unique to your account.


  1. On the Stack Options page, accept all of the defaults and click Next.
  2. On the Review page, click Create stack.


  1. At this point, you will be directed back to the CloudFormation console and will see a status of CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. Please wait here until the status changes to COMPLETE.


  1. Once CloudFormation status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE, go to the Outputs section.
  2. Make a note of the Output values from the CloudFormation environment that you launched as you will need them for the remainder of the tutorial:
    • Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (MySQL) migration: Environment

    • Oracle to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) migration: Environment